Sabtu, 25 Juli 2020


Oleh : Hartati,S.Pd
GREETING ( Salam ) adalah ungkapan untuk menyapa seseorang.Ada beberapa contoh yang sering digunakan dalam percakapan sehari hari.
1.       Hello
2.       Hello there
3.       Hi
4.       Hi,there
5.       Good morning
6.       Good afternoon
7.       Good evening
8.       Good night
9.       How are you ? ( Apa kabharmu ? )
10.   How’s it going ?
11.   How are things ?
12.   How are you doing ?
13.   How is life ?
14.   What’s new ?
15.   What’s crecking ?
16.   How are you felling ?
17.   Are you well ?
18.   Are you all right ?
19.   How is everything ?
20.   Alright ?
a.       Hello
b.      Hello
c.       Hi
d.      Hi
e.      Good morning
f.        Good afternoon
g.       Good evening
h.      Good night
i.         I am fine,thanks
j.        I am okey,thanks
k.       I’m great
l.         Not so bad
m.    I am doing fine.
n.      Nothing much.
o.      We’re great
p.      I am felling sad today
q.      I fell a little bit sick today
r.        My day was disaster today
s.       I am fine. I just need  sometime alone
t.        Not really but I can handle this

Aturan dalam penggunaan Greeting
Good morning
Digunakan pada waktu pagi hari sampai jam 12.00
Good afternoon
Digunakan pada waktu siang ( 12.00) sampai waktu terbenamnya matahari ( 18.00 )
Good evening
Digunakan pada waktu sore ( 18.00 ) sampai waktu jam  24.00
Good night
Digunakan jika kita akan berpisah dengan seseorang dan padaa waktu itu juga kita tidak akan lagi bertemu  lagi sampai besok.
Setelah kita selesai berbincang – bincang dengan orang lain pasti kita akan mengucapkan kata perpisahan.Dalam bahasa Inggris , kata perpisahan di sebut dengan leave taking
Sorry, I have to go now
Yes of course.See you
I will talk you later
Sure,see later
It’s been nice talking to you
So long
Good bye
Good bye /Take care
Bye bye
Bye bye /Keep in touch
See you tomorrow
See you tomorrow ,too /See you at school

Kalimat Sapaan
I’m glad to meet you
Me too / I’m glad to meet you ,too
I’m happy to meet you
Me too / I’m happy to meet you , too
I’m pleased to meet you
Me too / I’m pleased to meet you
It’s nice to meet you
Me too / It’s nice to meet you too
It’s good to meet you
Me too / It’s good to meet you

Example in the conversation / dialogue.
Dialogue 1
Matt      : Good morning
Maxine : Good morning. How are you  today ?
Matt      : Just finbe, thanks. How are you ?
Maxine                 : Wonderful.Things couldn’t be better.
Dialogue 2
Dick        : Hi ! How are you ?
Helen    : Fine,thanks and you ?
Dick        : Just fine.Where are you going ?
Helen    : To the library.Dick.OK.I’ll see you later. So long.
Helen    : So long
Dialogue 3
Jane       : Hi, Helen ! How’s it going ?
Helen    : Fine,thanks and you ?
Jane       : Just fine.Where are you off to ?
Helen    : To the library.I’ve got a history exam next week and need to start studying.Ugh
Jane       : Oh,no.Well. I’ll see you later then.Good luck !
Helen    : Thanks. See you later.
Based on the table and some example ,you can try to do these exercises.
I.Choose a,b,c or d for the correct answer !
1. The following expression  are kond of greetings , except  :
A. Hello ,Vanny
B. Goodbye Andi
C. Good morning,everyone
D. Good afternoon, Mom
2.What would you say if you want to ask someone’s condition ?
A. Good afternoon
B. Hi, glad to see you
C.Good night
D. Hi,how’s life ?
3. Complete the dialogue below !
Rendy   : Hello,Adam,how are you doing ?
Adam    : ………………………………..
Rendy   : I am all right.
A. I am fine,thanks
B. I am good, and you ?
C. Great,thanks
D. Am I sick ?
5. You meet your old friend,what would you say ?
A. Hello,how are you ?
B. Good morning friend
C. Hey,it’s good to see you again
D. Hi,what’s up
6. Complete the dialogue below !
Mr. Robi               : Good morning Ms. Lane ….?
Ms. Lane              : Morning,very well,thank you.
A. How are you today ?
B. How’s business ?
C. How’s everything ?
D. How do you do ?
7. You meet your English teacher in a book store at 4 p.m.What would you say ?
A. Good morning ,sir
B. How are you ,sir ?
C. Good evening,sir
D. Good afternoon sir
8. Complete the dialogue below !
Riyanto                 : Good morning Ardi.How are you ?
Ardi                        : Morning,I am  fine.And you ?
Riyanto                 : I am fine , too.What are you doing here ?
Ardi                        : I’m looking for my sister, but looks like she’s not here.I’ll  look for her another  place, …
Riyanto                 : OK.See you.
A. Bye – bye
B. Excuse me
C. Sorry.I have to go now
D. Good bye
II.Make a group and a group of four students.Write  two dialogues about greeting.
If you have  difficulty understanding , you can contact to my telephone number ( WA).

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