Minggu, 19 Juli 2020


Ungkapa yang sering dipakai dalam myatakan selamat atas keberhasilan (conratulation) dalam bahasa Inggris. arti congratulation adalah suatu ungkapan pujian karena adanya suatu pencapaian atau prestasi. Kata congratulation ini mempunyai arti yang sama dengan “good wish” atau harapan yang baik kepada seseorang. Untuk ucapan tahun baru bisa lihat:

dialog congratulation untuk 4, 3, 2 orang

Berikut ini kita akan belajar cara mengunkapkan ucapan selamat dalam bahasa Inggris dengan cara memberikan beberapa contoh dialog pendeknya. Namun sebelumnya perlu kita ketahui common expressions showing congratulation

How to say congratulation in English:
Please accept my warmest congratulations! (tolong terima ucapan selamat hangat saya)
I’d like to be the first to congratulate you on …. (saya ingin jadi yang pertama menucapkan selamat atas…)
It was great to hear ….(luar biasa mendengar …..
I must congratulate you. (saya harus mengucapkan selamat kepada kamu)
May I congratulate you on …(Bolekah saya mengucapkan selamat atas..)
Congratulations on your .. (Selamat atas …….)
Congratulations! (Selamat!)
Please accept my warmest congratulations (Terimalah ucapan selamatku)
Let me offer you my congratulations. (Aku ucapkan selamat)
I’d like to congratulate you on … (Aku ingin memberi selamat atas …)
Let me congratulate you on… (Biar aku memberi selamat atas…)
Congratulations on your … (Selamat atas…)
I should compliment you on your… (Aku harus mengucapkan selamat…)
I’m glad for you! (Aku amat bahagia atasmu!)
Good for you! (Selamat!)

lalu bagaimana untuk merespon ucapan selamt dalam bahasa Inggris itu? Dan jika kita menerima ucapan selamat, kita bisa membalas dengan kalimat-kalimat berikut.

Thank you! (Terima kasih)
Thanks for your support (Terima kasih atas dukunganmu)
Thanks for your kind words (Terima kasih atas ucapan baikmu)
Thanks for saying that! It means so much (Terima kasih sudah mengatakannya! Itu sangat berarti)
I appreciate that (Aku mengapresiasi itu)
It’s very nice of you (Kamu baik sekali)

 Berikut contoh percakapan singkat cara mengucapakan selamat

Dialog 1

Boby : Hi, Don. I heard that you got the best grades in this year exams, didn’t you?
Dony : That’s right.
Boby : Congratulations!
Dony : Thank you.
Dony’s father : Well done, Don ( Kerja yang bagus, Don ). I’m very proud of you.( Saya bangga       
                          dengan kamu )
Dony’s mother : I’m glad to hear that.
Dony : Thank you, Dad, Mom

Dialog 2

A : Hi B ! You look so happy today
B : Yeah I'm very happy
A : So, why ?
B : I won the speech competition
A : Wow, congratulation !
B : Thanks


I.Complete the following dialogues with your own words and sentences based on the situation given!

Doni has just received a present of a new bycicle from his father for he got the first rank in his class. Tina,his close friend congratulates him.
Doni: Alhamdulillah, this year I get rank one again, Tini.
Tini: ___________________________________________________________

Rani will take part in the English speech competition in Semarang next month. She meets with his uncle and they have a conversation. She tells to him. His uncle hopes she will win it.
Rani: Uncle Jon, Next month, I am going to participate in the English speech competition in semarang.
Jono: ___________________________________________________________

Your father got a promotion on his position in his office. He is very happy and tell this to his only daughter, Sania. She congratulates him and hopes he will be better to work.
Father: Thanks God, finally I become a Manager in the company.
Sania: I am happy to hear that, Dad.

Fayyadh has just made a plane miniature from woods. Shidqi praises him for it and he hopes his friend, Fayyadh to win in the national exibition next month.
Fayyadh: Thanks Shidqi. I hope so too.

Rizka has finished practising dancing in the classroom. Her teacher, Mrs. Tuti praises her for a beautiful dance performed by her. She chooses her to represent her school in the dancing competition.
Mrs. Tuti: ________________________________________________________
Rizka: Thank you, Ma’am.
Mrs Tuti: I hope you will represent our school for the next dancing competition in Batang.
Rizka: ___________________________________________________________


Answer the following question based on the dialogue!

Arman: Dod, I heard that your uncle got accident yesterday, didn’t he?
Dodi: Yes, he did. When he was crossing the pavement, a can suddenly hit him and he fell down unconciously.
Arman: I’m sorry to hear that. What happened next?
Dodi: Many people rush to help him. An ambulance then came by and took him to the hospital. He has been cared in the hospital, now.
Arman: I hope your uncle get well soon.
Dodi: I hope so. Ameen.
Arman: Will you accompany me to the hospital to see your uncle?
Dodi: Of course. Let’s go there.


1.Who got the accident?
2.How did he get the accident
3.Was Dodi’s uncle concious after the accident happened?
4.Did the people around came by and helped him?
5.Who is Arman? And Why do he want to see and visit Dodi’s uncle?
6.Did Arman feel happy or sad to hear the accident?
7.What did he say to pray for Dodi’s uncle?
8.Did he visit Dodi’s uncle then?

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