Minggu, 20 September 2020


                                                                    NARRATIVE TEXT


I.Read the text carefully

The Fox and The Crow

                Once upon  a time , a fox was walking through the forest when he saw  a crow sitting on a tree branch with a fine piece of cheese in her beak. The fox wanted the cheese and decided  he would be clever  enough to outwit the bird.

                “ What a noble and gracious  bird I see in the tree !” proclaimed the fox,” How lovely she is ! What fair plumage ! If her voice is as lovely as her beauty,she would no doubt be the most beautiful of all birds .”

                The crow was so flattered by all this talk that she opened her beak and gave a cry to show the fox her  voice.

                “ Caw ! Caw ! “ she cried , as the cheese dropped to the ground for the fox to grab.

II.Choose  the  the best answer A,B,C or D

1.       What does the writer intend by writing the text ?

A.      To make the story popular

B.      To make the readers entertained

C.      To show a clever fox against a crow

D.      To describe the way the fox got the cheese

2.       What does the second paragraph talk about ?

A.      The way the fox tricked the crow

B.      The place where the fox saw the crow

C.      How the crow sang to show happiness

D.      The happy fox which got the cheese

3.       “ What fair plumage !” ( paragraph 2 ).

What does the underlined word mean ?

A.      Feather

B.      Claws

C.      Wings

D.      Beak

4.       What is the moral value of telling the story ?

A.      Good deed deserves another

B.      Work together , you will be stronger

C.      A friend indeed is a friend in deed

D.      Don’t be easily tricked by flattery

III. Read the text and choose the best answer  ( for number 5 to 8 )



                Once , in a village in the land of Italy,there lived an old man and his wife.  They have no children. They really want to have children.  Every night , they pray to the GOD TO BE GIVEN A CHILD. However , the God has not yet given him. Old man works as a bamboo lumberjack. He cut and cut bamboo, then sold it to the city.

                One day, when he was about to cut bamboo,the old man saw a beam of light between the tick bamboo stalks. He approached the light. Carefully, the oldman split the glowing bamboo.  Inside the bamboo stick, the oldman found a baby. With pleasure , the oldman raised the baby and took it home. He told his wife how to find this beautiful  little baby.  The old man’s wife was very happy. They believe the baby is answer to their prayers so far.

                Because they found the baby girl in a bamboo, they gave her the name of the Bamboo princess. They took good care of Bamboo princess and were full of love. Year after year passed, Bamboo princess grew into a charming girl. Not only beautiful , she was also a kind girl and liked to help parents. From then on, the life of the old man and his wife became better.  This is the result of their prayers and efforts.

5.       What is the writter’s purpose to write the text ?

A.      To tell how a bamboo lumberjack get happy

B.      To amuse or a entertain the reader with the story

C.      To discuss how a lumberjack get a bamboo

D.      To explain what a beautiful little baby

6.       What is the first paragraph about ?

A.      The oldman who got a baby

B.      The oldman in the land of Italy

C.      The old bamboo lumberjack and his baby

D.      The couple ‘s wish to have a baby

7.       “ …. The old man saw a beam of light between the tick bamboo stalks .” What does the underlined word nearly mean ?

A.      Fern

B.      Spike

C.      Gavel

D.      Line

8.       What can we learn from the story above ?

A.      Praise your luck to reach the best achievement

B.      Pray and work hard so that your wishes can come true

C.      Be a good kid and talk actively to parents

               D.    Be happy to get your success

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