Kamis, 14 Januari 2021






1.BE ( is , am , are ) membantu kata kerja lain dalam satu kalimat,berarti be ( am,is, are ) berfungsi sebagai auxiliary verbs.Misalnya digunakan untuk membentuk Present Continous Tense

IS digunakan  jika subjectnya She , He , It

AM digunakan jika subjectnya I

Are digunakan jika subjectnya You,We,They

He is studying English in the classroom

They are waiting for a bus at the station

We are always helped by his friends.

2.Be ( is ,am,are ) berfungsi sebagai kata kerja ( full verb) jika diikuti oleh kata sifat ( adjective )

I am clever                                          You are clever

He is handsome                                We are very busy

She is diligent                                    They are diligent

The flower is a beautiful                               Those children are happy

3.Be ( is, am, are ) berfungsi sebagai kata kerja ( full verb ) jika diikuti oleh kata benda

I am a student                                   You are a pilot

He is a mechanic                               We are employees

It is a key                                             Those are flowers

4.Jika dalam suatu kalimat terdapat keterangan tempat atau keterangan waktu, be juga berfungsi sebagai kata kerja.Be ditempatkan sesudah subjek kemudian diikuti kata keterangan ( adverb )

I am in the office now                    You are at home

She is still in London                        We are in the meeting room.

5.Kalimat Tanya ( Interogative statement )

Suatu kalimat yang menggunakan be ( am , is , are ),kalimat Tanya di bentuk dengan menenmpatkan Be di depan kalimat.

Affirmative Statement                                                                  Interrogative Statement

He is your father                                                                              Is he your father ?

Jane is my classmate                                                                      Is Jane your classmate ?

John’s father is in England                                                            Is John’s father in England ?

6.Kalimat menyangkal ( Negative Statement )

Setiap kalimat yang menggunakan Be , kalimat menyangkal di bentuk dengan menambah kata NOT sesudah be.

Affirmative Statement                                                                  Negative Statement

The man is very tired                                                                      The man isn’t very tired

You are always happy                                                                    You aren’t always happy.

7.Dalam Imperative,Be + noun atau adjective , mempunyai kegunaan yang terbatas.Kita gunakan be + Noun berarti menjadi Become

Be a good student !

Be a good boy !

Be a diligent employee if you want to be successful

Don’t be + Adjective juga lazim digunakan

Don’t be stupid !

Don’t be a lazy boy !

Don’t be careless !

I.Complete the following sentences by using be ( is,am,are )

1. One of my sisters ….a university student.

2. I have one brother.He ….twenty one years old.

3. Nancy has two sisters.They … employees of a bank.

4. Bob and I live in a dormitory . We …students.

5. My English books …red and blue.They …in this bag.

II.Change the following sentences into negative and interrogative.

1.One of the man is American

2.These apples are imported from Australia

3.Some of my classmates are very friendly

4.The men are from England

5.The books on the table are my father’s

Baca,pelajari dan pahami.Kerjakan latihannya dengan teliti.Jika mengalami kesulitan hubungi 085741691129.

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